Colors are the emotions of the soul.

It was written on a random copy cover page. It's always good to watch over the cover page images and text. Whenever I buy books, I not only look for the quality of the page but also the message it does contain.

While going through a rough patch in my life. Painting has been the best therapy to let myself out.

I could see the painting for hours and find several emotions in them.

yaa!! creative people's characteristics.

Painting is like my baby 

I grew with each of them.

They show me how capable I am.

I hate when someone asks me to show my work.

As if they are saying, I wanna judge you.

No offense, but I don't need your judgments.

If one's thought I'm capable of then well and good, and if not fine, you can move forward.

There is so much pressure to not fail in this competitive world that we have forgotten how to deal with failures.

Failing has now become the end for youth.

Where in childhood when we failed at walking once, we tried until we can walk. We learn by each fall 

There is a saying we never care about what we have got. 

It's a blessing that we can not only see but feel colors.

It's like magic how white gives space




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