
Mixed Emotions

Years have passed, and still, I haven't adjusted to the thought of having mixed emotions. It makes me feel like some kind of fool when, in reality, I am not. Those who understand me can help me come out of this confused state. I believe it's time to accept the thought of being grey. Lows and highs, negative or positive emotions simultaneously, are the natural way of life, not an indicator of an unstable person. For a heartbeat to keep beating, its graph needs both highs and lows; when it's silent, it's the end. Don't run behind the solutions. Enjoy it with patience; it's there to help you be clear in your life, not to harm you. Look out for ups and downs. Calculating it will help you decide. Don't fight with yourself; mixed emotions are not complicated; they are not unreal. Believe me, life is amazing with it, and mixed emotions exist among us;  Embrace them.

Colors are the emotions of the soul.

It was written on a random copy cover page. It's always good to watch over the cover page images and text. Whenever I buy books, I not only look for the quality of the page but also the message it does contain. While going through a rough patch in my life. Painting has been the best therapy to let myself out. I could see the painting for hours and find several emotions in them. yaa!! creative people's characteristics. Painting is like my baby  I grew with each of them. They show me how capable I am. I hate when someone asks me to show my work. As if they are saying, I wanna judge you. No offense, but I don't need your judgments. If one's thought I'm capable of then well and good, and if not fine, you can move forward. There is so much pressure to not fail in this competitive world that we have forgotten how to deal with failures. Failing has now become the end for youth. Where in childhood when we failed at walking once, we tried until we can walk. We learn by each

A Big No to Censorship

        When you silence a girl's voice,  You are not protecting her. You're only telling the world that you fear, She might win the battles herself. Imagine one fine day you're going to the market not in your vehicle but inside a police van behind big bars only for safety purposes. The gap between bars is enough to notice the surroundings. But is it necessary?  These bars are censorship through which content reaches the audience in a more processed manner.  Bars steal the ability to think, to judge what's right or wrong. It steals options to experience, to explore and mainly to make mistakes. Censorship is the suppression of any content- speech, public communication, or access to information found objectionable, offensive, politically incorrect, or a threat to security.  The term censor in Latin is 'censere' means to appraise, value or judge.  A rapid paradigm shift in moral standards changes the status of the world. Society at large has now grown into a global

POST Grad first day: MSc Cinema

  It was a totally packed day. AAFT is a must-have experience in college life. creative and inspiring personalities. learn and grow. There is a lot to learn from great personalities. lot of work to do. It's not the end. aura of an actor Differences are created with knowledge. Knowledge empowers Work hard and get your thing. keep moving  I would love to record my experience today if I didn't have the storage issue. Now that I have to earn and spend, the pressure of earning the basic amount of money is increasing daily. The movie suggestion for today is Gulaal by Anurag Kashyap. Tu na jaane aas paas hai khuda" song to tune in. Takeaway: Never let your dream go away from you. "Bhagya lena se bhagya badta hai"

75th independence day of India

Not merely a holiday!!! Unlike another independence day in a decade this time, it was special. 75th independence day in India was not a holiday, it was a day of pride for every Indian. Our Prime minister’s psychological tactics won the heart and minds of 138 cr people. Earlier the day was just a big day for children in school, flag hosting on the red fort, patriotism songs and till afternoon everyone just gets busy in their own life. This time ‘har Ghar tiranga’ campaign brings life into the day of remembering the hard-earned freedom of our motherland. This campaign focus on the importance of our flag and how we all are on the same page, we all are Indian no divide north-south, Hindu Muslim, upper caste lower caste, rich-poor, simply not a single difference. every Indian has the same right to host the flag, love the flag. 75 Azadi k Amrit Mahotsav was equally participated by all Indians, even in Kashmir where the deadly incident of the genocide of Kashmiri pandit took place. T

The highly toxic guy

We do trust people. Make them closed ones. Believe in them when everyone warned us not to do it only because we find them behaving well with us. To which we later get to know their fake mask... These people just suck you out emotionally. You were there to care for them thousands and hundreds of times, but they just wanted to watch you, judged you for your decisions, and even didn't respect your choices.   It's just that their whole life is all about themselves. The age range of 20 to 24 is all about losing fake people. When people like us, who already have 2-4 close people in their lives,Very picky and choosy in matters of circle... Respect boundaries. When we got to deal with these types of people, it just didn't even take a second to leave them, but when they talk badly to you after getting to know you completely just because they are angry, it is not at all acceptable.   I and we... We do have our own lives. Own choices.  Be a friend, not a ruler. Trust an